Sight Word/ Word Family Sentence Strips
Sight Word and Word Family sentences are designed as a supplemental reading tool to build word recognitions skills and reading fluency. They are imbedded with Fry's 1000 High Frequency Words. The sentences begin simple and expand with the higher level words to be more complex.
The first 6 sheets have the sight words highlighted in red and a duplicate in black. These are embedded first 100 sight words for practice not word family embedded. The remaining sheets each are embedded with one word family per sheet. You will find most of the words in the word family in the sentences on that sheet.
Each page addresses most of the words found in each word family identified at the top of the sheet. The sentences are designed to be cut in sets of two sentences each.
These sight words can be practiced during small group instruction, peer sharing, or independently. You can also use the less preferred method of choral reading in a literacy center.
As a Reading Specialist I Would introduce these sentences at school and then cut and continuously add to student sets as they master them. At that time I would encourage taking the sets home to practice with parents. There are three stars on each group or two sentences to be punched with a hole punch upon mastery. After the student reads both sentences without error punch one star. They read them three times to move to the next group of two sentences.
Repeated exposure to the same text and words builds word recognition and fluency skills with efficacy.
Thanks for stopping by! Thank you for reading with kids! Diane M. Noblest-Trujillo